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LkSG (Supply Chain Due Diligence Act) →
Violations of the LkSG
can be reported here, e.g.
- Human rights violations/risks
(Child labor; forced labor and slavery; disregard for occupational health and safety and work-related health hazards; disregard for freedom of association; freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining; unequal treatment in employment; withholding of an appropriate wage; destruction of natural resources, unlawful violation of land rights; Commissioning or use of private or public armed forces that may lead to impairments due to lack of control/supervision; actions or omissions in breach of duty that are directly capable of impairing a protected legal position - i.e. other human rights - in a particularly serious manner and whose unlawfulness is obvious when all relevant circumstances are reasonably assessed; other human rights violations under the LkSG)
- Environmental violations/risks
(Violation of a prohibition resulting from the Minamata Convention, which aims to protect human health and the environment from emissions and releases of mercury and mercury compounds into the air, water and soil caused by human activities; violation of the ban on the production and/or use of substances covered by the Stockholm Convention (POPs) and non-environmentally sound handling of waste containing POPs; violation of the ban on the import and export of hazardous waste within the meaning of the Basel Convention: other environmental violation according to LkSG)